Sunday, November 11, 2012

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft occurs when someone steals another’s personal information and exploits their identity without their permission.

Different Methods Identity Thieves Use to Obtain Personal Identity

Identity Thieves can gain access to another’s personal information by use of their social security number, home address, bank account information, ATM pin number, among other personal identity information.

Skimming: identity thieves can steal your personal identity when you have given them access to your debit/credit card or personalized check for purchasing purposes.

Phishing: identity thieves can send you fictitious emails from national corporations.

Common Places for Theft: Identity thieves can steal your identity by means of an unlocked mailboxes, wallets, trash bins, purses, etc.

Why is the advancement in Identity Theft becoming a technological problem?

Identity thieves have enhanced the ways they steal their victim’s personal identity.

v  They are able to develop viruses in a short duration such as two minutes.

v  They are able to hack into corporation’s networks (by use of their own enhanced viruses, Trojans, etc.) and acquire people’s personal information.

v  Identity thieves create phishing webpages that deceive people because logging into a website that they believe is legitimate and secured.

v  They created a system for stealing personal identities: they purchase their items using the victim’s bank information and ship it to a specialized address that is used for this illegal act. A middle man is used for the purpose of signing for the packages that are shipped to the specific address. Then, the middle man mails the packages to another address that is regionally close to the identity thief. Finally, the identity thief picks up the packages from that point on. This is how identity thieves remain anonymous and are hard to track down.

v  Identity thieves created underground websites for selling their victim’s personal information. They sell the victim’s personal information to other identity thieves for as low as five dollars.

The following video also explains how identity thieves steal their victim's identity.


How does Identity Theft Impact our Society?

Identity Theft is a growing illegal act that has significant negative affects within our society.  Its victims instantaneously lose their personal identity in a matter of seconds which permanently alters their future.

v  “An estimated 11.7 million persons, representing 5% of all persons age 16 or older in the United States, experienced at least one type of identity theft in a 2-year period” (1).

v  Its victims become frantic and stressed because they are aware that someone else has access to their information and are capable of using it any way they desire to. Meanwhile, the victim isn’t knowledgeable of their thief (since majority of identity theft cases aren’t resolved).

v  The identity thief can ruin their victim’s credit which will hinder the victim from living their life comfortably by doing such things as buying their own house and car.

v  The various methods that identity thieves use to steal their victim’s information are common means such as ATM machines, personalized bank checks, driver’s license, personal mail, among others. Unfortunately, people are prone to become the next identity theft victims because people rely on these types of means on a daily basis.

The following is an example of the negative effects of identity theft.

Click on the following links for more information on Identity Theft.
 Any questions/comments/ concerns, feel free to contact me at
Work Cited
1)      "Identity Theft Research and Statistics - ITAC Victim Database - Surveys of Identity Theft Victims." Identity Theft Research and Statistics - ITAC Victim Database - Surveys of Identity Theft Victims. Identity Theft Assistance Center, 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.

2)      "Identity Fraud Rose 13 Percent in 2011 According to New Javelin Strategy & Research Report." Javelin Strategy -. Javelin Strategy and Research, 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <,pressRoomDetail>.

3)      "SmartTalk Technology: Identity Theft." YouTube. YouTube, 09 Mar. 2009. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.

4)      WIVBTV. "Identity Theft: A Nationwide Epidemic." YouTube. YouTube, 17 Oct. 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.